
Naturopathy is an age-old philosophy based on the belief in the human body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathy uses natural means such as homeopathy, proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes to create the ideal environment to promote self-healing.

The Core Values of Naturopathy are:

  1. First, do no harm. Always provide the most effective care with the least risk to the patient.
  2. The Healing Power of Nature. Recognize, respect and promote the self-healing power of nature inherent in every human being.
  3. Treat the Cause. Identify and remove the cause of illness, rather than removing or suppressing symptoms.
  4. Doctor as Teacher. Educate, inspire hope, and encourage self-responsibility for health.
  5. Treat the Whole Person. Treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences.
  6. Health Promotion is the Best Prevention. Emphasize the condition of health to promote well-being and prevent diseases for the individual, each community, and the world.
Carol Schelin has been intimately involved in the practice of Naturopathy for nearly 20 years. She passionately believes in the body’s healing power and has experienced it in her own life!
Carol is happy to share her experiences with you as she compassionately guides you on your own journey to total wellness and vitality.